David Oxley

United Kingdom - Devon
David’s long interest in Soul work has been informed and developed through a deep commitment to his own process of healing and growth and through his psychotherapy work with clients; a commitment to how each of us find our way home! As a CSL, it is his deep wish to serve and share with his community the jewels and profound wisdom discovered through Sage-ing work. He is very open to offering workshops and wisdom circles. David holds an MA in Mindfulness Psychotherapy, DIP Integrative Psychosynthesis Counselling-Based. His interests include embodied presence through enquiry meditation, movement, dance, ritual and poetry. When possible, he enjoys community, camps, singing, kirtan, dances of universal peace, walking footpaths, exploring the beautiful South West coastline and his camper van. You can contact David via email or his website: david@thisbeingnow.co.uk www.thisbeingnow.co.uk