Judy Steiert

Canada - Calgary
Judy Steiert has been a Certified Sage-ing Leader since Oct 2004. Prior to the certification, Judy was a High School Math teacher and then an adult education instructor in Calgary Alberta Canada. In addition to being a CSL and SCF (2007), Judy is certified in IONS Conscious Aging and SoulCollage, both in 2014. Judy has 74 years of life experience (Dec 11, 1947). Judy is an enthusiastic lifelong learner, exploring many course on aging consciously, Landmark Education, Vipassana, and many Summits from The Shift, Sounds True and Hay House. Every day begins with a podcast from some interesting site. Since becoming a CSL, Judy has presented courses related to Sage-ing and Conscious Age-ing at various venues throughout Alberta, one workshop in Manitoba, two in California, and at two Sage-ing Conferences (2008 and 2014). Her signature course became ""Elder Wisdom in Movies"" or ""Images of Aging in Film." In 2020 and 2021, Judy assisted Sage-ing International as a Zoom Tech host. Mentoring interns in training to be CSLs has become a way of sharing the journey with new candidates. Contact: j.steiert@sage-ing.org