Katie Lieberman
Katie Lieberman, LMSW, Certified Wholistic Life Coach, and Certified Case Manager, lives in Muskegon, Michigan with her beloved husband, Craig, their cat and two dogs. She’s been intrigued with Sage-ing since her first training in 2004, but it wasn’t until she retired from the corporate world, that she was ready to take a seat in the room of Elders, and begin in earnest, her own journey to conscious eldering. Her passion is to help others awaken to their own gifts of Wholeness and intentionally embrace their 3rd chapter of life as a time of deep meaning and purpose. Currently, Katie is offering Sage-ing workshops and Wisdom Circles, where folks have the opportunity to create meaningful community and explore the core Sage-ing concepts leading to inspiration, education, and even transformation.
Contact her at katielaf@live.com