
For example–the quality of Reverence for Life:

We bring an attitude of respect and care  for all living things and
become stewards of our precious planet Earth.
We engage in programs and projects with partnerships
to nurture and sustain the wellbeing of the human family and planet Earth.

From Pat Hoertdoerfer:

Reverence for Life is the quality of a Sage in Service that I am living into during my 70s. As Oma (with Opa) creating Cousins Campsummer with our 7 grandchildren, we tell our heritage stories, live close to the land, and love one another totally.

We love this NH land–the trees, our river, the deer and bear, the eagles and herons. Whether around our campfire or gazing into the star-filled night, we know we are related to all living beings and belong to this place, our home on Mother Earth. Yet we know our precious plant Earth needs better care to have enough water, clean air, fertile soil, to sustain healthy life for the generations to come.

Therefore I participated in Grandparents Climate Action Days 2015 to advocate for environmentally just action by US Congress to address climate change. My active hope is that elders putting “wisdom and spirit in action” for the sake of future generations will bring us closer to embodying Reverence for life as a world community.