The Hope Accelerator

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The Hope Accelerator

January 15 @ 11:00 am 1:00 pm

Hope Accelerator

Wednesdays, January 15th, 22nd, 19th, February 5th

11:00 am – 1:00 pm ET | 10:00 am – 12:00 pm CT

9:00 am – 11:00 am MT | 8:00 am – 10:00 am PT

Find the time in your region HERE

Closed captioning is available

Our world has become more and more challenging over the years. On the macro level, we find ourselves surrounded by constant violence, terrorism, war, pandemics, the worsening effects of climate change, economic upheaval, and unequal resource distribution. The political dialogue and environment have become increasingly acrimonious. On the personal level, as people in the latter part of life, we have experienced many of life’s challenges; and have witnessed, struggled with, and overcome many of life’s hurdles. For all this we have utilized the “power of hope”, something we need all the more of in today’s world.

The Hope Accelerator is a unique workshop that seeks to empower individuals to cultivate their awareness, skill, and ability to cultivate a profound sense of personal hope to strengthen their capacity to face and grow through adversity in life with resilience and creative power.

This four-part series introduces “four gates to the cultivation of hope,” with

an emphasis on reflection, practice, sharing, and practical application in our lives.

The following will be presented and given as exercises and tools in the workshop:

  • The search for meaning and its linkage to hope, in the spirit of Viktor Frankl’s “Man’s Search for Meaning.”
  • The power of gratefulness and how it is a driver for hope in our lives.
  • Growth through crisis, utilizing the research findings in the area of post-traumatic growth.
  • The cognitive, and “active hope” of Hope Science deals with meaningful goals, pathways, and personal agency.

Please join us for this unique series about cultivating a fundamental part of our inner lives – the power to hope!

“Just as man cannot live without dreams, he cannot live without hope. If dreams reflect the past, hope summons the future.” Eli Wiesel


Ronnie Dunetz, PhD, CSL. Ronnie received his Doctorate of Philosophy in Wisdom Studies with a dissertation on Reflections of Children of Holocaust Survivors on their life experience in the second half of their lives.

Ronnie is a CSL and has been a senior life coach, and group and workshop facilitator with advanced training in logotherapy (meaning-based therapy), for over 20 years.

Born in the US, Ronnie has lived and studied Eastern martial and spiritual arts extensively; he is a social entrepreneur currently heading an initiative in Israel called “The Hope Accelerator,” to empower personal hope amidst crisis and adversity.

…………………..….Ronnie’s website HERE *** Read Ronnie’s blog HERE


Fees on Sliding Scale:

Early Bird Pricing through December 20th

Supporter: $115 then $130

Basic: $85 then $100

Reduced: $55 then $70

For program information or to request one of a limited number of scholarships contact:

Education Coordinator

Rosemary Cox,

Click here to register

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Whether you do your eldering work alone or in socialized settings at workshops and meditation retreats, or through solo meditation and journal writing, remember that the work of integrating body, mind, and soul requires time and commitment…you can begin shaping your life into a noble masterpiece.”

 – Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi


To support you on what Reb Zalman refers to as “this pioneering journey into your unmapped potential,” whether you are young or old, Sage-ing® International offers 3 categories of educational programs, each with its own unique flavor.

The Signature Programs

serve as an excellent introduction to sage-ing’s core topics (Images of Aging, Life Review, Forgiveness, Facing Mortality, Legacy, and Service).  They provide the tools and resources needed to explore the aging years in order to navigate the second half of life with greater understanding and purpose. 


The World Wisdom Programs

allow participants to explore cultural traditions and perspectives across the globe on aging and spirituality to deepen their understanding of their own aging years and to enhance their “Sage-ing tool-box.”


The Enrichment Programs

supplement and broaden SI’s range of educational opportunities by inviting guest presenters who are accomplished authors, innovators, Sage-ing® Leaders and other creative professionals, to facilitate workshops and webinars that reflect their areas of study and mastery of topics related to aging more consciously.

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