Events for January 4 - November 7, 2024

All times are displayed in Eastern Time

Climate Change in an Aging Society

This webinar will address what each of us can do about the threat of climate change for elders and for future generations. Together we will explore our biggest fears and greatest hopes about the climate crisis followed by interpretations of 10 powerful nighttime dreams to understand how hope and fear can actually guide us as we gain even deeper insights about our own response to climate issues.

The Fruits of Concious Aging: Compassion

Given the challenges inherent in the aging process, it is essential we learn to reframe our suffering as a gateway to compassion. While we don’t deny the difficulties associated with growing older, we see them as an opportunity to experience our deeper nature, which is loving awareness. In this webinar, David will speak about compassion as well as lead the group in an experiential exercise designed to open our hearts to ourselves, to one another, and to the world.

Deepening the Sage Within (in person!)

A great gift of our older years is the potential for deepening wisdom and expanding possibilities. As more and more of us are living longer, we want these extra years to be vibrant, inspiring and fulfilling. This program will help you discover what gives your life meaning as you age. An intimate gathering where we will explore what matters most to you while enjoying the strong and supportive community we will build together.

Introductory Meeting for Ancestry Circle Series

"Ancestry Circle" is Sage-ing International's (SI) pilot CREATIVE EXPRESSION CIRCLE (CEC). It has been offered successfully for two years and we are ready to announce its third season. We will focus on recovering forgotten ancestors, honoring them, and finding ourselves by telling the family story.

“Death, Dying, and the Dead – A Contemplation,” with Mary Francis Drake

Mary Francis will offer an overview of the cultural approaches to death and dying, as well as her direct experience as a hospice social worker and chaplain. An introduction to the energetics of death, loss, grief, and the afterlife will also be offered. These topics will be delved into more deeply in the workshop series that follows this webinar and begins on October 17th.

A Celebration of Reb Zalman – Sage-ing International and You… Our Roots and Wings

In a fast-paced, 2-hour presentation drawing on the stories of many of the pioneers of that movement, coupled with historical photos and video clips, you will learn of the early days of Reb Zalman with the Spiritual Eldering Institute, followed by the formation of the Sage-ing Guild which is now Sage-ing International. We will celebrate Reb Zalman’s 100th birthday (and recognize the tenth anniversary of his death) and Sage-ing International’s 20th anniversary. We will talk about the future of our organization and what we are going to do for you.

The Fruits of Concious Ageing – Wisdom

n this uplifting webinar series, David Chernikoff draws on Buddhist and other contemplative teachings to guide us in cultivating and celebrating the blessings of spiritual maturity. In seven once-a-month webinars which began on June 19th, 2024, we study and experientially explore the following topics: integrity, generosity, patience, compassion, wisdom, lovingkindness, and equanimity. Together we create a safe, supportive learning community as we increasingly embody the wise and loving elders we each have the potential to be.

“Death, Dying, and the Dead: Practical lessons” with Mary Francis Drake

The mysteries of death, dying and the dead can be known by the living. Many people have had experiences with disembodied spirits (ghosts or dead people), near-death experiences, interdimensional experiences, and the thin space around death and dying. Rt. Rev. Dr. Mary Francis Drake is one such person with decades of such experience to share to validate others as well as encourage hope in the process of living well and dying wisely.

Deepening the Sage Within For Men

In his 1995 book From Age-ing to Sag-ing, Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, the most influential Jewish change-maker of his generation, created a new way of looking at aging in the second half of life called “Sage-ing.” Instead of seeing this stage of life as a time of loss and diminishment, Sage-ing affirms the importance of aging as a time for deep reflection, continued learning, and spiritual growth.

Whether you do your eldering work alone or in socialized settings at workshops and meditation retreats, or through solo meditation and journal writing, remember that the work of integrating body, mind, and soul requires time and commitment…you can begin shaping your life into a noble masterpiece.”

 – Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi


To support you on what Reb Zalman refers to as “this pioneering journey into your unmapped potential,” whether you are young or old, Sage-ing® International offers 3 categories of educational programs, each with its own unique flavor.

The Signature Programs

serve as an excellent introduction to sage-ing’s core topics (Images of Aging, Life Review, Forgiveness, Facing Mortality, Legacy, and Service).  They provide the tools and resources needed to explore the aging years in order to navigate the second half of life with greater understanding and purpose. 


The World Wisdom Programs

allow participants to explore cultural traditions and perspectives across the globe on aging and spirituality to deepen their understanding of their own aging years and to enhance their “Sage-ing tool-box.”


The Enrichment Programs

supplement and broaden SI’s range of educational opportunities by inviting guest presenters who are accomplished authors, innovators, Sage-ing® Leaders and other creative professionals, to facilitate workshops and webinars that reflect their areas of study and mastery of topics related to aging more consciously.

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