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Concious Eldering: The Hero’s Journey into Elderhood (World Wisdom Series #7)
July 16
1:00 pm
2:30 pm
Conscious Eldering with Ron Pevny
7th in the WWPC Series
Tuesday, July 16th
Conscious Eldering:
The Hero’s Journey
into Elderhood
1:00pm – 2:30pm ET
12:00pm -1:30pm CT
11:00am -12:30pm MT
10:00am -11:30am PT
Click Here to find the time in your area.
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“Conscious Eldering (also called Conscious Aging) is an understanding of aging which recognizes and incorporates all these facets of a fulfilling life while emphasizing the importance of continual growth of our inner life. It emphasizes who we can be as we age, and not just what we can do.” Ron Pevny
The transition from mid-life adulthood to elderhood is a consciously chosen extended rite of passage with the same dynamics that have characterized rites of passage throughout history around the world—dynamics termed by Joseph Campbell and others as the Hero’s Journey. In this webinar, we will explore these dynamics (severance, liminal time, reincorporation) and the inner work that can enable us to grow into the elderhood of purpose, passion, and service that is possible for all of us if we have commitment and strong intentionality.
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Ron Pevny, M.A., CSL is Founding Director of the Center for Conscious Eldering, presenting rites of passage for elders across the U.S., and author of Conscious Living, Conscious Aging: Claiming the Gifts of Elderhood published by Beyond Words. He has served as the co-host/interviewer for the Turning Points series presented by Sage-ing International.
Website: www.centerforconsciouseldering.com
Ron’s e-mail: ron@centerforconsciouseldering.com
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Supporter: $40
Basic: $35
Reduced: $25
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Please contact Rosemary Cox at r.cox@sage-ing.org with any questions or for one of the limited number of scholarships.
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Whether you do your eldering work alone or in socialized settings at workshops and meditation retreats, or through solo meditation and journal writing, remember that the work of integrating body, mind, and soul requires time and commitment…you can begin shaping your life into a noble masterpiece.”
– Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
To support you on what Reb Zalman refers to as “this pioneering journey into your unmapped potential,” whether you are young or old, Sage-ing® International offers 3 categories of educational programs, each with its own unique flavor.
The Signature Programs
serve as an excellent introduction to sage-ing’s core topics (Images of Aging, Life Review, Forgiveness, Facing Mortality, Legacy, and Service). They provide the tools and resources needed to explore the aging years in order to navigate the second half of life with greater understanding and purpose.
The World Wisdom Programs
allow participants to explore cultural traditions and perspectives across the globe on aging and spirituality to deepen their understanding of their own aging years and to enhance their “Sage-ing tool-box.”
The Enrichment Programs
supplement and broaden SI’s range of educational opportunities by inviting guest presenters who are accomplished authors, innovators, Sage-ing® Leaders and other creative professionals, to facilitate workshops and webinars that reflect their areas of study and mastery of topics related to aging more consciously.