Development Team

Who we are, What We Do

The Development Team (DT) is responsible for raising funds to allow SI to carry out its desired programs. Current responsibilities are to:

  • Design, implement, and track results of an annual fund drive and other drives to raise funds for general SI operating expenses
  • Develop and manage the Reb Zalman fund to encourage donors to leave money through bequests.
  • Develop and implement a grant writing program designed to raise money for special SI projects, including, but not limited to, conducting research to demonstrate the effects of Sage-ing programs on those in the second half of life; creating new or expanded educational offerings; increasing the outreach of Sage-ing throughout the world.

Create and distribute a “Gratitude Report” that informs donors and others of the work of SI and our various successes.


  • Expanding the number of donors
  • Establishing a vision – why would people want to donate
  • Communicating with donors

Begin to implement ideas under the umbrella of Financial Wellness per our long-range plans.

Skills Set/Background – What This Team Brings to the Table

  • Fundraising experience
  • Creating a vision of SI where people will want to donate
  • Storytelling abilities that inspire people to donate
  • Developing outreach projects
  • Networker
  • Team player


Brian Jones
Brian JonesTeam Lead
Karen Clementi
Karen ClementiCo-Lead
Carol Scott Kassner
Carol Scott Kassner
Lynn Bledsoe
Lynn Bledsoe
Katia Petersen, PHD
Katia Petersen, PHD
Doug Goldschmidt
Doug Goldschmidt
Jann Freed
Jann Freed
Gary Carlson
Gary Carlson
Cindy Siemers
Cindy Siemers

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