Conscious Aging Bloggers
A number of Sages/Wise Elders actively blog about topics related to living well in the second half of life.
Here are links to some of their work.
Christina Baldwin a member of Sage-ing International’s Council of Honored Sages, is an author of 9 books including “Story Catcher” and her co-authored work with Ann Linnea, “The Circle Way”. Christina and Ann offer teaching and facilitation locally and globally.
Felice Rhiannon is a recent Certified Sage-ing Leader and a Onespirit Minister and spiritual counselor in Great Britain. She blogs regularly on a number of Sage-ing topics.
Dr. Connie Zweig, author of Meeting the Shadow and Romancing the Shadow, is now writing The Reinvention of Age and blogging excerpts.
Barbara Warner blogs on Powerful Tools for the Second Half of Life After we reach the second half of life, we can look back on our past and know that we are not the same person that we were 20 years ago.
John Robinson is a psychologist, minister, and author of books on aging. He has a website ( and regularly blogs on aging topics.
Jann Freed, blogs about learning, leading, living, and … Sage-ing. Sage-ing is positive aging in the second half of life. When is the second half of life? It is sooner than you think.
Carol Orsborn Carol’s blog, Fierce with Age: The Online Digest of Boomer Wisdom, Inspiration and Spirituality, features the best content on spirituality and aging on the web delivered to subscribers inboxes for free on a bi-weekly basis.
Brenda McCutcheon is the corporate director of elder life and spirituality at Loretto, a licensed minister of the United Church of Christ, and a student in the New York School of Ministry.
Dinah Berland is a poet and editor who blogs for the Huffington Post (Post50 column) on growing older today. “Her recent post How to Create a Fulfilling Future: Share Your Wisdom” considers how elders are viewed in various cultures.
David Goff is a contributor at ChangingAging, the author of Embracing Life: Toward A Psychology Of Interdependence and co-author of The Age of Actualization: A Handbook For Growing An Elder Community.
Meg Laporte’s blog, Age in America, aims to reframe perceptions of aging in America with oral histories, storytelling, and images that illustrate the positivity, diversity, and value of being older.
Blog submission
Guidelines for submissions are:
Your blog must not have been published elsewhere, in part or whole
Length should be between 500 and 1000 words;
Subject must be of interest to our members and readers (a Sage-ing/Conscious Aging topic, e.g., life review, qualities of a wise elder, spirituality/spiritual growth, facing our mortality, legacy, community, service, forgiveness work, images of aging, etc.).
Please submit your proposed blog to Gary Carlson.
Each blog accepted will be featured for about one month, then archived indefinitely.
You are also encouraged to leave a comment at the bottom of any blog.