Judy Steiert
CCAN has met ten times since its launch in April 2014. A core group has emerged where participants strive to be present whenever possible. They appreciate the intimacy of the group. New members are invited and welcomed at each meeting. One member who had not attended for a year remarked at the depth of discussion among those she had observed a year later. It was very gratifying. The Circle Way has been implemented recently.
Several of the participants were trained in the SCF program in 2012 but few have taken it any further (to my knowledge). One person has created several book studies related to Conscious Aging. The “Elder Wisdom in Movies” series continued to be popular.
Presenters volunteer to run workshops {about one hour) drawing from their life experience. Topics have included discussions on Jane Fonda’s “Third Act” TED talk; Mindfulness; Self-Compassion; EFT; Retire to the Life You Love author; Expressive Arts; Ethical and Spiritual Wills; Zen Tangles; Conversation Circle: Relationship to the Divine; Inneraction – Rising Women Rising World; sharing of past group experiences and their impact; each participant sharing one or two resources which have impacted their Conscious Aging Journey. We are looking forward to a guest presentation on The 12 Stages of Healing, resource by Donald Epstein; and the four directions.
We have applied for funding from the federal government under the New Horizons for Seniors initiative. A year-long project is required. We hope to culminate with a one-day conference related to Conscious Aging.