Welcome to the Sage-ing International Blog
The blogs on this page are primarily written by Sage-ing International members.
Should you wish to contribute to our blog, it must not have been published elsewhere, in part or whole.
The length should be between 500 and 1000 words. The subject must be of interest to our members and readers (a Sage-ing/Conscious Ageing topic, e.g. life review, qualities of a wise elder, spirituality/spiritual growth, facing our mortality, legacy, community, service, forgiveness work, images of ageing, etc.).
Please submit your proposed entry to Martha Christie admin@sage-ing.org
Sage-ing and International Mentoring: a Match Made in Heaven!
Sage-ing and International Mentoring: a Match Made in Heaven! In the traditional Hindu philosophy of life there are three stages, the third of which is known as “Vanaprashta”, the stage which is said to last roughly twenty-four years from around the age of forty-eight [...]
A Love Letter From SI – June 2020
An important message to our membership Second Series - Issue 3 A Love Letter from Sage-ing International Era of Awakening Seeking a New Path The Executive Circle of Sage-ing International continues to send love to our beloved community. As in past months, we remain mindful in upholding your welfare, [...]
The Labor and Birth of a New Humanity
The Labor and Birth of a New Humanity - The Blossom that Opens with Pain It should be obvious by now that we are in terrible trouble. We have created a multifaceted disaster with no quick or easy solution. Climate change, unleashed pandemics, overpopulation, and [...]
A Love Letter From SI – April 2020
An important message to our membership A Love Letter from Sage-ing International The Executive Circle of Sage-ing International sends our love and sincere hope that you—our beloved members, your families and friends remain safe and healthy during this time of rapid change and uncertainty relative to the COVID-19 pandemic. [...]
A Love Letter From SI – March 2020
An important message to our membership A Love Letter from Sage-ing International The Executive Circle of Sage-ing International sends our love and greetings to you once again—our beloved members. We hope for your safety, your wellness and your well-being. With an outpouring of appreciation for our Love Letter sent [...]
A Good Ancestor
A Good Ancestor Do you remember the sugar cube with the pink liquid on it? You might have been given it by the school nurse sometime in the 60s. Or you might remember the polio vaccine as a shot some time earlier. That first [...]
Life Review: Definitely NOT for old folks only!
Life Review: Definitely NOT for old folks only! Life review is often viewed as something you do late in life, a time when one is supposedly free from the stress of responsibilities, so why not reminisce? It is as if reminiscence is something that [...]
Reinventing Grandparenting: I never became a mother, but I’m a grandmother now
Reinventing Grandparenting: I never became a mother, but I’m a grandmother now When many of my women friends were either getting pregnant or longing to get pregnant, I used to think that I was missing a chip. I watched and waited for a maternal [...]
Who moved my Rite of Passage? by Ronnie Dunetz
Who moved my Rite of Passage? Ronnie Dunetz, Israel On June 3, 2019, I became 60. I had been dealing with this day ever since I turned 59, and in fact, quite a few years before that. Only then it was different. Now it was for real! I know [...]
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