

Welcome to the Sage-ing International Blog

The blogs on this page are primarily written by Sage-ing International members.

Should you wish to contribute to our blog, it must not have been published elsewhere, in part or whole.

The length should be between 500 and 1000 words. The subject must be of interest to our members and readers (a Sage-ing/Conscious Ageing topic, e.g. life review, qualities of a wise elder, spirituality/spiritual growth, facing our mortality, legacy, community, service, forgiveness work, images of ageing, etc.).

Please submit your proposed entry to Martha Christie

2507, 2022

Grandmother Wombs

Grandmother Wombs I. Grandmother My grandmother gave birth to a daughter who gave birth to a daughter. In my grandmother’s womb, the growing baby generated the entire collection of eggs her ovaries would naturally hold. The potential for my existence was floating somewhere inside [...]

1305, 2022

But Grandma…

But Grandma… But Grandma, I”m 35 and I —I don’t have one. My clock is running. No one will find me attractive or respect me. All of my friends have more than one already. Remember Tzivia, well, she has two and she gets jobs [...]

1211, 2021


Eldering Becoming an elder is more than passively aging. Often called a teacher, knowledge keeper, or sage, an elder actively creates a legacy. The process of understanding our own strongest, most unique values, and deliberately instilling these in the next generation, is life’s finest work. Many [...]

2506, 2021

A Love Letter From SI – June 2021

  An important message to our membership Third Series - Issue 4 A Love Letter from Sage-ing International Era of Awakening The Spiritual Path of Self-inquiry The Executive Circle of Sage-ing International sends our deepest gratitude to our beloved community for all the ways our constituents have contributed to imperative [...]

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