Welcome to the Sage-ing International Blog
The blogs on this page are primarily written by Sage-ing International members.
Should you wish to contribute to our blog, it must not have been published elsewhere, in part or whole.
The length should be between 500 and 1000 words. The subject must be of interest to our members and readers (a Sage-ing/Conscious Ageing topic, e.g. life review, qualities of a wise elder, spirituality/spiritual growth, facing our mortality, legacy, community, service, forgiveness work, images of ageing, etc.).
Please submit your proposed entry to Martha Christie admin@sage-ing.org
The Joy and the Challenges of (my) Aging
The Joy and the Challenges of (my) Aging Can you experience the joy and wisdom associated with conscious aging and still experience fear, sadness and even loneliness? Can these all exist at the same time? I say yes. Can we have these challenges associated [...]
Wisdom Circles: A Community of Elders
Wisdom Circles: A Community of Elders How many of us have stopped to think in our elder years about what community means to us now? Are we looking for something different than at a younger age? If yes, do we know what that is? [...]
My Sage-ing Journey
My Sage-ing Journey My Sage-ing Journey began one day in 1994 with a call from a good friend and fellow law librarian enthusiastically relating to me about a weekend in Denver at which a rabbi, Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, spoke about his reaching 60. He [...]
Are We Ageist?
Are We Ageist? How many of us see ourselves as ageist? I suspect not many, especially those of us who are proponents of aging well. As it is seen as negative, it is difficult to look at our own ageist beliefs towards others and [...]
My Personal Journey with Reb Zalman
My Personal Journey with Reb Zalman I was 39 years of age and attending a retreat, when I asked Reb Zalman for advice, “Should I move to Philadelphia from my home in Eureka, California?” I was ambivalent since a move would mean giving up [...]
A Sage-ing Journey: Connecting our Past, Present, & Future
A Sage-ing Journey: Connecting our Past, Present, & Future Growing up I was taught the importance of paying attention, how to listen deeply, and that each step in our personal journey is an opportunity to grow through our daily experiences. I was encouraged to [...]
Reb Zalman’s Commitment to Inclusiveness and “Deep Ecumenism”
Reb Zalman’s Commitment to Inclusiveness and “Deep Ecumenism” Reb Zalman’s commitment to inclusion for all was born out of personal experience and a knowledge of Jewish history. As a young person in Nazi occupied Europe, he experienced the ultimate exclusion as he and his [...]
A Practice in Conscious Aging: Lifelong Learning
A Practice in Conscious Aging: Lifelong Learning A Practice of Lifelong Learning: With enduring curiosity and innovative creativity, we have a personal mission to continue to grow spiritually, cognitively, and emotionally. “We spend precious hours fearing the inevitable. It would be wise to use [...]
Learning to Love Being Old
Learning to Love Being Old Have you noticed that a vibrant, joyful, passionate old person is always complimented with being young at heart or looking youthful for their age? Have you ever heard anyone being complimented for being an amazing old person? It seems [...]
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