

Welcome to the Sage-ing International Blog

The blogs on this page are primarily written by Sage-ing International members.

Should you wish to contribute to our blog, it must not have been published elsewhere, in part or whole.

The length should be between 500 and 1000 words. The subject must be of interest to our members and readers (a Sage-ing/Conscious Ageing topic, e.g. life review, qualities of a wise elder, spirituality/spiritual growth, facing our mortality, legacy, community, service, forgiveness work, images of ageing, etc.).

Please submit your proposed entry to Martha Christie

1002, 2016

Chapter Report

We are SI’s newest Chapter, in our first year, with two Certified Sage-ing Leaders providing leadership and another currently in training. Our two existing Wisdom Circles each have about 15-20 people in attendance. We have offered the “Awakening the Sage Within” event twice this past year, and our goal is [...]

1002, 2016

Boulder Chapter Report

After two organizational meetings late in 2012, we have met every first Sunday of the month since March 2013 at the Silver Sage Senior Co-Housing Common House in North Boulder. Our meetings so far this year have included the From Age-ing to Sage-ing exercise “A Testimonial Dinner for Severe Teachers” [...]

1001, 2016

Chapter Report 2015

Edmonton Sage-ing Circle Chapter, Sassy Sagers, have met regularly since April, 2012. We have discussed all twelve modules and shared personal insights. A mountain retreat weekend scheduled for June, 2013 had unexpected results. A “ Seen Sage-ing” document was submitted outlining events. As meetings continue, each member hosts a meeting [...]

1001, 2016

Chapter Report

Chapter Report: The purpose of the Carolinas chapter is to build a community forum for those who are facilitating Sage-ing Wisdom Circles across the Carolinas; to learn about Sage-ing/Conscious Eldering workshops and group opportunities in the Carolinas; and to connect with the Conscious Eldering movement activities nationally and internationally.

401, 2016

Chapter Report, New Mexico

We began the year with an all-day retreat to discuss what we wanted to do as an organization, and to enjoy some staged plays by Robert Benjamin, our resident playwright. We have organized a series of three half-day workshops on creativity for this year. We typically get about 30-50 persons [...]

101, 2016

Chapter Report, early days

Over the past six months, we have organized a NM chapter of SI (encompassing the entire state of NM, but centered around Albuquerque and Santa Fe, two population centers and long-time centers of conscious aging/sage-ing activity). We have had several meetings with various existing groups to explain the concept of [...]

2112, 2015

Calgary Chapter Report

Judy Steiert CCAN has met ten times since its launch in April 2014. A core group has emerged where participants strive to be present whenever possible. They appreciate the intimacy of the group. New members are invited and welcomed at each meeting. One member who had not attended for a [...]

1003, 2014

Chapter Report Spring 2014

Having reviewed Age-ing to Sage-ing’s lessons last year, the group began this year to explore other writings, including Angeles Arrien’s Eight Gates of Wisdom and a book of one of our members, Marjory Bankson, Creative Aging: Rethinking Retirement and Non-Retirement in a Changing World. Specific articles have also provided a [...]

1701, 2014

SVI Chapter Report 1

We met at Beth Hancox’s home and she opened with a wonderful tea cup ritual, where stories were shared and we invited our ancestors to be present. We spent some time with personal check-in to catch up with each other’s lives. Recently we participated in a survey to see just [...]

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