Welcome to the Sage-ing International Blog
The blogs on this page are primarily written by Sage-ing International members.
Should you wish to contribute to our blog, it must not have been published elsewhere, in part or whole.
The length should be between 500 and 1000 words. The subject must be of interest to our members and readers (a Sage-ing/Conscious Ageing topic, e.g. life review, qualities of a wise elder, spirituality/spiritual growth, facing our mortality, legacy, community, service, forgiveness work, images of ageing, etc.).
Please submit your proposed entry to Martha Christie admin@sage-ing.org
Job, Career, Vocation–It Matters What You Call It by Alan Rider, CSL, SCF
“On the day after I retire from an active career, who am I?” That’s what many of us catch ourselves asking as we cross the threshold into elderhood, challenged with one of life’s basic identity issues. As a career counselor and interfaith spiritual director, I’ve often been drawn into [...]
Community and Sage-ing by Gary Carlson, PhD, CSL, SCF
In her December 2016 Legacy Tips & Tools, Rachael Freed wrote about the importance of being in community in today’s world. We truly need our friends, our communities, to help us make sense of a world that seems to be in crisis. I think she was right on target, and [...]
The Coming of The Divine Human: The Final Transformation of Conscious Aging by John Robinson, PH.D., D.Min.
Divine I am inside and out, and I make holy whatever I touch or am touched from. Walt Whitman The Self is pure consciousness. No one can ever be away form the Self… You are the Self. Ramana Maharshi I have been following a singular mystical vision for over twenty years. [...]
A Newcomer’s Conference Experience by Connie Earhart
I had the distinct honor and pleasure to attend the Sage-ing Conference this fall in Colorado. I was amazed how long many of these Elders have promoted Conscious Aging and I only discovered this through the Reb Zalman book we started last spring. Now I have John Robinson, Connie Goldman, [...]
Seeing “Wisdom and Spirit in Action” by Jann Freed
In October, I attended the 2016 Sage-ing International Conference at Sunrise Ranch Conference and Retreat Center in Loveland, Colorado. There were over 150 people including some of the real movers and shakers—thought leaders in the field of positive/conscious aging. In fact, several of us got into a conversation about the [...]
Grand-Generational Gifts by Pat Hoertdoerfer
Life hangs on a narrative thread. This thread is a braid of stories that inform us about who we are, and where we come from, and where we might go. -Christina Baldwin One of the threads of my life came from my Grandma Sophie who lived on a farm in northern [...]
Too Much Reality: First-Hand Research into Aging as Spiritual Opportunity by Robert L. Weber, Ph.D.
Life is full of ironies. Last October, Carol Orsborn and I launched our book, The Spirituality of Age: A Seeker's Guide to Growing Older at The Harvard Bookstore. The book confronts the shadow side of aging, finding spiritual opportunity in the challenges—including physical losses--associated with growing older. After working on it for [...]
Chocolate For The Brain by Barb Warner
Are you an older adult? Are you concerned about maintaining good brain health? Do you have a deep and abiding regard for the role of chocolate in your life? If your answer is yes to these questions, I have some good news for you!Dr. Gene Cohen, ground breaking author of [...]
About the creation of “Women’s Lives, Women’s Legacies” by Rachael Freed
It seemed that everywhere I turned men were articulating and documenting their instructions, values and requests. In August of 2003, it was Aaron Brown introducing a feature on CNN’s NewsNight about the rescued coal miners – with excerpts from letters written a century ago by “doomed miners” to their wives [...]
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