Tech Team

Who we are, What We Do

The Technology Webinar Team is always looking for new members to help with Zoom Hosting and Co-Hosting for Sage-ing International’s online events. The number of program offerings is increasing, and we are committed to having both a Zoom Host and Co-Host whenever possible to make sure Zoom operates smoothly and without interruption.

Note: Zoom Hosts attend the events they host for free and are compensated at the rate of $25 per class session. Zoom Co-Hosts attend the events they co-host for free.


We have a Tech Hosts Procedures Guide, which lists all tasks related to Zoom hosting. Briefly, they include (but are not limited to):

  • Meeting with the presenter(s) before the program to discuss what will be most useful from the Zoom end for the presenter(s).
  • Admitting participants from the waiting room.
  • Recording the event, with appropriate pauses for times when recording isn’t useful, such as journaling time, breakout rooms, etc.
  • Sharing the screen with the presenter’s slides, videos, etc.
  • Creating, opening and closing breakout rooms.
  • Polls (rare).
  • Sending the recording to the Sage-ing Administrator with instructions for any editing needed.
Skills Set/Background – What This Team Brings to the Table

  • Willingness to collaborate with presenters and co-hosts;
  • Some basic Zoom skills and willingness to learn and improve Zoom skills (tech team members will help train, if necessary);
  • Willingness to attend monthly Tech Team meetings.



Ruby Grad
Ruby GradCo Lead
Diane Sue
Diane SueCo Lead

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