MultiGen Team

Who we are:  Our Mission: We are a dynamic multigenerational community of people.  Our ages range from young adults through other ages into the elder phase of life. We come with curious minds, seeking to share our loves, worries, needs, and novel ideas. We build bridges within relationships that transcend age, promoting a harmonious and inclusive society where every generation contributes to our collective and prosperous future within our communities.

What We Do:  We create in-person and virtual experiences (Wisdom Circles) for small groups of people (10 or so) to be in a circle community over a period of 6 months to learn from others across different generations (20 yrs. – 80+ yrs. old)

Our Vision is to cultivate a sense of understanding that transcends age, where the collective energy of each participant fosters a rich exchange of stories, lessons, and perspectives. As we explore the transformative potential of intergenerational relationships, we celebrate the rich tapestry of life’s journeys and recognize the unique value that each generation brings to our shared existence. Through mutual respect, understanding, and a commitment to learning from one another, we seek a collaborative environment that empowers each soul to contribute, learn, and thrive.


  • Wisdom Circles (monthly)
  • Running 6 monthly circles using current team members
  • Seeking to embed these in local communities initially using MultiGen team members.
  • Partnering an elder with a younger in an ongoing relationship to explore novel reciprocal mentoring.
  • Doing a “Younger cohort” to foster idea sharing and relations-building in our team.
Skills Set/Background – What This Team Brings to the Table

What we offer

  • Interest in harvest insights and reciprocal mentoring within our MultiGen Wisdom Circle discussions.
  • Persons of diverse backgrounds
  • Diversity in race, gender, class
  • We offer a space to share your ideas, concerns, and frustration about current events
  • Opportunities to get credit-bearing internships and volunteer experience in working in a non-profit

Skills sets needed:

  • social media capacity
  • creating podcast recordings
  • creating content for a webpage
  • create & manage dialog in current topics of interest:

– climate

– sustainability projects (i.e. land use, material use)

– IT

– social justice

– foster democratic principles in communities




Dave Bauer
Dave BauerTeam Lead
Ethan Bonerath
Ethan BonerathCo Lead
Sam Hiserote
Sam Hiserote
Katia Petersen, PhD
Katia Petersen, PhD
Anishka Durvasula
Anishka Durvasula
Dave Dowling
Dave Dowling
Dennis Stamper
Dennis Stamper
Peter Whitehouse
Peter Whitehouse
Raines Cohen
Raines Cohen
David Son
David Son
Teri Crane
Teri Crane
Chad Williams
Chad Williams
Siobhan Bonerath
Siobhan Bonerath

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