Sage-ing Second Half of Life Book Discussion Series

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Sage-ing Second Half of Life Book Discussion Series

February 3 @ 12:00 pm 1:30 pm

Sage-ing Second Half of Life

Sage-ing Second Half of Life

A Book Discussion Series

Six First Mondays

February to July

(see dates below)

.12:00p –..1:30p ET

.. 11:00a –.12:30p CT

….10:00a – 11:30a MT

…..9:00a – 10:30a PT

Find the time in your region HERE.

In his book From Age-ing to Sage-ing, Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi quotes Carl Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who created the phrase “second half of life.”

Jung wrote, “A human being would certainly not grow to seventy or eighty years old if this longevity had no meaning for the species. The afternoon of human life must also have a significance of its own and cannot be merely a pitiful appendage to life’s morning…Whoever carries over into the afternoon the law of the morning…must pay for it with damage to his soul…” (70)

Through its programs and workshops, Sage-ing International provides its members with many opportunities to learn how to live a second half of life that definitely is not “a pitiful appendage to life’s morning.” And now Karen West, Certified Sage-ing Leader, and voracious reader, is thrilled to offer you another way.

Karen shares that in the last 10 to 15 years, many amazing books have been written about living in this brand-new life stage we call elderhood. In February, Karen will begin facilitating a “Sage-ing Second Half of Life Book Discussion Group.” Karen says she wholeheartedly believes that not only will reading these books be life-changing for you, but discussing them in-depth (we will spend 2 to 3 sessions on most books, reading approximately 80-100 pages a month) will be even more so.

Karen hopes you will join her in this adventure and suggest many books, but the group will decide which books we read.

Karen West, CSL, has been a seeker and an educator all her life. She spent her work life first as an English teacher and then as a career counselor. In 2007 Karen completed her training as a Spiritual Director; then after retiring in 2012, she was certified as a Sage-ing Leader and as a Legacy Facilitator. Conscious Aging and Sage-ing have become her passion.

Mondays, February to July

February 3rd, March 3rd, April 7th, May 5th, June 2nd, July 7th

12:00p -1:30p ET | 11:00a -12:30p CT

10:00a – 11:30a MT | 9:00a – 10:30a PT

Find the time in your region HERE.


Supporter – $90

Basic – $80

Reduced – $60

For more information or one of the limited scholarships please contact Rosemary Cox,

Click here to register…
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Whether you do your eldering work alone or in socialized settings at workshops and meditation retreats, or through solo meditation and journal writing, remember that the work of integrating body, mind, and soul requires time and commitment…you can begin shaping your life into a noble masterpiece.”

 – Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi


To support you on what Reb Zalman refers to as “this pioneering journey into your unmapped potential,” whether you are young or old, Sage-ing® International offers 3 categories of educational programs, each with its own unique flavor.

The Signature Programs

serve as an excellent introduction to sage-ing’s core topics (Images of Aging, Life Review, Forgiveness, Facing Mortality, Legacy, and Service).  They provide the tools and resources needed to explore the aging years in order to navigate the second half of life with greater understanding and purpose. 


The World Wisdom Programs

allow participants to explore cultural traditions and perspectives across the globe on aging and spirituality to deepen their understanding of their own aging years and to enhance their “Sage-ing tool-box.”


The Enrichment Programs

supplement and broaden SI’s range of educational opportunities by inviting guest presenters who are accomplished authors, innovators, Sage-ing® Leaders and other creative professionals, to facilitate workshops and webinars that reflect their areas of study and mastery of topics related to aging more consciously.

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