We’ve compiled a list of links to articles and audio resources that offer provocative insights and ideas on life, including the second half of life. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Sage-ing International but a diversity of opinions and perspectives about conscious living and dying in the 21st century.
Recent Links to articles, films and podcasts on aging
From Jewish Sacred Ageing, a podcast by Jerome Kerner https://jewishsacredaging.com/jerome-kerner-discusses-sage-ing-international-helping-elders-reclaim-leadership-wisdom-and-spirit-on-seekers-of-meaning-podcast/
From the National Endowment for the Arts: Staying Engaged: Health Patterns of Older Americans Who Participate in the Arts.
An approach to conscious dying and living: The Death and Life of John Shields
Long, but worth it! Living with Alzheimers.
Humorous with some “I don’t care” language: What Not to Wear After Age 50: in Adult Language
Thoughtful & useful: The Tree of Contemplative Practices
FILMS. “Time Goes By: What it’s really Like to Get Old” offers a treasure trove of films recommended by Roni Bennett.
A thoughtful article by Honored Sage, HR Moody, featured speaker at the SI conference, Aging in Place: The ELEPHANT in the Room.
Dreams and aging. “Dreams for the Second Half of Life” audio podcast interview with HR Moody Fierce with age: This summer issue is so loaded with good stuff that you need to look at the whole issue. Carol Orsborn was a featured speaker at the SI Conference.
A podcast by SI’s board member, Jerome Kerner, with an excellent overview of sage-ing. http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Baw2OlLxlu1abihFwBepzlPAfnCizj61kEuNn8fJgZNO9aM-CeHMcn4UdQGI7f2-fb3E0XvcvFc4WylSzyxDMf_wvTN3e-OVBLxr7_cm58lAsimflcNzocPa6Hs24bXcVaOBuO_zbnqoaYXY2UyvBOr5Ge5uRYRROQ4vGmDpt2u3f_GaPXrdgrns-pilZU2M9yPXhF9rNT85Y4HIjk6SZlwYRT_SbKAON8h95rGyxiQvdTPbOsNjl2HyfyhHayGyd9KRiS_gi6R0XPVOW9pVs7CWuV2_UymUYW-4io_2c0CHjlLABYUA8xv4vpgC0hgjL-F-noAOS1WBC69twOGJHZZukgk4i15o&c=XU5xkl6sH__ORwXVp2uUm1mXQPsUBgusTXfSH3fcdjQLbffH2mWsxg==&ch=BFrTzEu0bUEFz2j_aEr5bW3tk1sW8Nz6A_vbSJGiT_gA2epRjM917w==
Ageism in Australia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNPwrVIa9OA
Age-Stereotype Paradox: Opportunity for Social Change by Becca Levy at: https://academic.oup.com/gerontologist/article/57/Stereotype-Paradox-Opportunity-for-Social
References several academic studies that will make you feel good. http://www.businessinsider.com/things-you-peak-at-in-life-after-age-50-2017-11. [Business Insider; Al Rider]
Ageism. Read “Why Ageism Never Gets Old” (in The New Yorker), featuring two of our favorite gerontological writers: Ashton Applewhite and Margaret Gullette, at: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/11/20/why-ageism-never-gets-old
Films on Aging. Great recommendations from the Elder Project at: http://www.spiritualityandpractice.com/projects/elder-spirituality/fSpirituality ilms
Humanities. Don’t miss the journal “AgeCultureHumanities,” published by the North American Network in Aging Studies, at: http://ageculturehumanities.org/WP/
Refirement: Paul Carter, a wise elder has developed an approach to conscious aging which he calls Refirement. a free highly useful e-handbook as well as a webinar series based upon his Refirement Map model, www.gorefire.com
By the author of Aging with Wisdom, Olivia Ames Hoblitzelle. www.oliviahoblitzelle.com Review, above. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/aging-wisdom/201801/what-is-most-important-in-the-new-year
Elder music: http://archive.feedblitz.com/19938/~5929291/31042134/15b1e20851052a44a881e8a019b2ab. As Time Goes By
“Into the Night: Portraits of Life and Death,” currently on PBS [online]. For a review, see: https://www.broadwayworld.com/bwwtv/article/INTO-THE-NIGHT-PORTRAITS-OF-LIFE-AND-DEATH-to-Premiere-on-PBS-326-20180323
Lives well lived: celebrating the secrets, wit and wisdom of age. A film by Sky Bergman. https://www.lives-well-lived.com. Maybe coming to a theater near you
Gerotranscendence. Look at “Gerotranscendence Theory: A Fresh Look at Positive Aging” at: http://www.usccb.org/about/national-religious-retirement-office/upload/Engaging-Aging-Newsletter-Spring-2015.pdf
Don’t worry! Be Happy! https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/02/well/live/the-secret-to-aging-well-contentment.html
TED Talks on Aging
Kathleen Taylor: Do it now! Rethinking the Bucket List
Isabelle Allende: How to live passionately—no matter your age
Jane Fonda: Life’s Third Act
Ashton Applewhite: Let’s End Ageism
Musings on old age by Victoria Howard: a Buddhist view
http://www.genlearn.org GenLearn provides educational programs for older adults, caregivers, and/or those who have limited mobility. We connect you to programs and experts across the world – right in the comfort of your own home.
Stirred by Music to Conversation and Compassion, by Mary Kiki Wilcox, inspires us about the spiritual impact of music for elders. Reviewed at: http://www.spiritualityandpractice.com/book-reviews/view/28134/a-song-just-for-me
http://www.seniorlearningnetwork.com Children’s-song/about elders.
New York Times article: “Caregiving is Hard Enough. Isolation can Make it Unbearable.”
Pass it on Network: a global exchange network promoting positive aging. “We are older adults who believe that the work of elders is to ‘pass it on’—sharing our know-how witeh others, capitalizing on what works and shaping positive expectations for meaningful work and learning lifelong.” Visit them at: http://passitonnetwork.org/
Forgiveness material such as conversation cards and an outstanding video are available free from http://fetzer.org/resources
Images of Aging. See “Visual Aging Studies: Exploring Images of Aging in Art History and Other Disciplines” at: http://ageculturehumanities.org/WP/visual-aging-studies-exploring-images-of-aging-in-art-history-and-other-disciplines
End of life links
Speaking of Dying, a 5 minute video – charming!
“We Can Die Better” A new on-line magazine edited by Stephen Garrett
Sacred Dying: Megory Anderson
Jeff Foster/Life without a centre. A powerful voice for the dying.
http://theconversationproject.org/ Created by Ellen Goodman, this site offers a “how to” manual on clarifying what it is you want to say and how to tell loved ones your wishes regarding your death. Even though the majority of people don’t want to burden their children/family, a very small percentage clearly communicates their actual desires